Kingdom Touch LLC:

Supporting Emotional Wellness

Introducing Splankna!

Splankna is a holistic approach to release emotions that have been stored in the body. It addresses not only the mind, but also all of the places that the triggering emotions effect - spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically!

Our approach

Splankna is a cutting-edge technique that releases emotions stored in the body through touch, thought and prayer. It is a systematic way to get at the roots of problems and address them on all fronts simultaneously- body, soul, and spirit. This faith-based approach acknowledges your emotions from the past and releases emotions that are negatively impacting your physical body. It forgives offenses, dismantles unconscious beliefs, invites God to do a powerful restoration work, and retrains your brain to think and behave differently!

Meet Liz Cary

Have you ever been frozen with indecision for minutes, even hours? I have. I used to have moments of crippling fear. I tried to talk myself out of these irrational thoughts, but my heart just decided not to listen to my mind. I tried several things with very little results. But then I found Splankna and decided to give it a try. After only 3 sessions, I went from having moments of crippling fear to singing and whistling in the same situations. After almost 2 years of experience as a Splankna provider, I have seen this technique work not only on myself but on many others as well and seen rapid transformation.


  • Splankna is Hebrew word that means your gut. It is a word that is used in scripture to talk about your heart, the seat of your innermost being.

  • There are no session requirements when you sign up. It is possible to start to see an impact after only just one session. Of course, multiple sessions are recommended for even more impact.

  • Unfortunately, no we do not accept insurance at this time.

  • Anyone can benefit from Splankna because we all have unconscious beliefs that hinder our freedom. However, here are some clues that this tool might be an especially good fit…

    • You often have a much stronger reaction to a situation than is warranted- feeling “triggered”.

    • You have tried to address unwanted emotions in your life, but they keep reoccurring.

    • You have unwanted behaviors that normal will power has not curbed.

    • Bad memories or emotional baggage continues to plague you.

      If your child exhibits any of these signs, they could also benefit from Splankna work.

Get started with Kingdom Touch today.