More about Splankna

What is Splankna?

Did you know that your emotions can get stored in your body? When hard things happen, negative emotions can get stored and cause strong emotional reactions. Some people describe it as “someone just pushed my buttons, and I couldn’t help it.” Other people have chronic worry, fear, or dread that they can’t seem to shake. Sometimes, these emotions even affect your physical body. Any strong, lingering, or repetitive unwanted emotion can be a burden and rob joy. If that sounds familiar, there is help. Splankna is a tool to help reverse these effects and release you into freedom. Curious? Watch the video to find out more.

Splankna for all ages

Splankna can support emotional wellness for people of any age. This tool also works great with children. Here are some signs that this would be a great tool for your child:

  • Strong separation anxiety

  • Difficulty with sleeping

  • Picky eaters

  • Defiant attitudes

  • Tantrums

  • Strong fear or worry

  • Any recurring misbehavior that doesn’t curb with normal discipline

This tool is especially useful for children because children often have a hard time identifying or talking about why they are struggling. This tool bypasses the need for the child to be in tune with their emotions enough to describe what is going on. While at the same time, it engages the child to be involved in the process of their wholeness as much as is possible for their developmental level. Any child, even a baby, can receive Splankna with adult support. Let’s correct the lenses that your child sees the world through so that they can see clearly and be free. Schedule a free consultation to find out if it is a good fit for your family!

How does it work?

Splankna uses a tool called muscle testing, with the help of the Holy Spirit, to find out information going on in your body. (Watch the video for more information on muscle testing). Finding out details such as what emotions are stored in the body and where, the practitioner will guide you in touching related pressure points and consciously releasing the stored emotions. After a number of emotions are released, the practitioner will ask the Holy Spirit to guide you in identifying and removing any unconscious beliefs that are destructive to you. This ensures that they are removed at the source to make way for peace.

Faith Based and Spirit Led

This is a faith-based protocol that incorporates the Holy Spirit throughout the entirety of the session. Every session is opened with prayer, to ask God to guide our time and lead us to the work that is the next step in the client’s journey to wholeness. Throughout the emotional work, we regularly forgive those involved in the original trauma or issue. When we are finished releasing the emotions, we pray to remove any unhealthy beliefs, and ask God to replace them with the truth. We also pray for any physical healing that God wants to release to the client’s body as well. God has worked powerfully through this tool in countless lives.

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